What Age Do You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

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Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the final set of teeth to develop in the human mouth. They typically emerge at the back of the mouth behind the second molars, and their eruption can sometimes cause various dental issues.

This article aims to provide insights on what age do you get your wisdom teeth pulled and the factors influencing the decision.


Wisdom teeth, despite their name, may not always bring wisdom. These teeth often cause problems due to their late eruption and limited space in the mouth. Many individuals experience difficulties when their wisdom teeth emerge, leading to the need for extraction. Understanding the age at which wisdom teeth are commonly pulled can help individuals make informed decisions about their oral health.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth

Definition and Purpose of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are the last set of teeth to develop in the mouth. They typically emerge during the late teenage years or early twenties. In ancient times, these teeth were believed to appear when a person gained wisdom, hence the name. However, in modern times, wisdom teeth often cause more trouble than enlightenment.

The purpose of wisdom teeth in our ancestors was to aid in the chewing of coarse, rough foods. However, due to the evolution of our diet and changes in jaw size, these teeth have become largely unnecessary and often cause complications.

Why Wisdom Teeth Often Need to Be Removed

The main reason wisdom teeth are often extracted is that there is insufficient space in the mouth for them to emerge properly. When the jaw is too small or crowded, the wisdom teeth can become impacted, meaning they get trapped beneath the gum line or partially emerge. This can lead to a range of dental problems, such as infection, pain, gum disease, and damage to surrounding teeth.

Age of Wisdom Teeth Eruption

Normal Age Range for Wisdom Teeth Eruption

The eruption of wisdom teeth varies among individuals. On average, these molars begin to emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. However, some people may experience eruption as early as 15 years old or as late as their thirties. The timing of eruption can differ due to genetic factors, jaw size, and individual variations.

Variations in Eruption Timing

The eruption of wisdom teeth can be unpredictable. While some individuals may have all four wisdom teeth emerge, others may have fewer or even none at all. In certain cases, the wisdom teeth may be present but fail to erupt due to various factors, including impaction.

Indications for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Common Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

The decision to remove wisdom teeth is typically based on several factors, including:

Impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth causing pain or discomfort

Crowding or shifting of neighboring teeth

Increased risk of infection or gum disease

Development of cysts or tumors around impacted wisdom teeth

Interference with orthodontic treatment plans

Impact of Impacted or Misaligned Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to a range of oral health issues. When these teeth remain trapped beneath the gum line, they create pockets where bacteria can accumulate, leading to infection and inflammation. Additionally, misaligned wisdom teeth may exert pressure on adjacent teeth, causing them to shift and potentially compromising the alignment of the entire dental arch.

Impact of Age on Wisdom Teeth Removal

Considerations for Younger Patients

The age at which wisdom teeth are removed can influence the procedure’s complexity and the recovery process. Younger patients often have less developed roots, which makes extraction easier and reduces the risk of complications. Furthermore, the bone surrounding the wisdom teeth is generally less dense in younger individuals, allowing for a smoother extraction.

Risks and Benefits of Early Extraction

While wisdom teeth can be removed at any age, there are certain benefits associated with early extraction. Removing wisdom teeth before they cause significant problems can help prevent complications and minimize the risk of infection and damage to neighboring teeth. However, the decision to extract wisdom teeth early should be made after careful consideration of the individual’s specific circumstances and recommendations from a dental professional.

Factors Influencing the Timing

Dental Evaluation and Recommendations

Determining the appropriate age for wisdom teeth removal requires a comprehensive dental evaluation. Dentists and oral surgeons consider various factors, including X-rays, clinical examination, and the patient’s overall oral health. Based on these assessments, they can provide personalized recommendations regarding the optimal timing for wisdom teeth extraction.

Personal Circumstances and Oral Health Conditions

Individuals may have unique circumstances that affect the timing of wisdom teeth removal. Factors such as availability of time for recovery, access to dental care, and financial considerations can influence when the procedure is performed. Additionally, the presence of pre-existing oral health conditions may necessitate earlier wisdom teeth removal to prevent further complications.

Age Range for Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Typical Age Range for Wisdom Teeth Removal

The age range for wisdom teeth extraction varies, but it often falls between the late teenage years and early twenties. Many individuals have their wisdom teeth extracted during their late teens when the teeth have partially erupted and are easier to access and remove. However, some people may opt for removal in their early twenties, depending on the recommendations of their dental professionals.

Advantages of Removing Wisdom Teeth Earlier

Early extraction of wisdom teeth can offer several advantages. By removing these teeth before they fully develop, the risk of complications, such as infection and damage to adjacent teeth, is reduced. Additionally, younger patients tend to recover more quickly, as the bone surrounding the wisdom teeth is softer and more pliable. If you’re searching for a reliable wisdom teeth removal Belleville, just give Bellesmile Dentistry a call!

Alternative Approaches

Watchful Waiting and Monitoring

In certain cases where wisdom teeth are not causing immediate problems, dental professionals may recommend a watchful waiting approach. This involves monitoring the teeth periodically through dental check-ups and X-rays to detect any emerging issues. If problems arise, such as pain or signs of infection, extraction may be recommended at that point.

Conservative Management of Wisdom Teeth

Some individuals may choose to keep their wisdom teeth if they are fully erupted, properly aligned, and not causing any issues. In these cases, maintaining excellent oral hygiene practices and regular dental visits are crucial to minimizing the risk of future complications. However, it’s important to note that the long-term outcomes of keeping wisdom teeth may still be uncertain.

Procedure and Recovery

Overview of Wisdom Teeth Extraction Process

The extraction of wisdom teeth is typically performed by an oral surgeon or a dentist experienced in oral surgery. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia, sedation, or general anesthesia, depending on the complexity and the patient’s preferences. The surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue, remove any bone obstructing the tooth, and extract the tooth. In some cases, stitches may be required to aid in healing.

Post-operative Care and Recovery Timeline

Following the extraction, it is important to adhere to post-operative instructions provided by the dental professional. This may include taking prescribed pain medications, applying ice packs to reduce swelling, eating soft foods, and practicing proper oral hygiene. The recovery timeline can vary, but most individuals can expect some degree of discomfort and swelling for a few days to a week. Full recovery generally takes a few weeks.


Determining the ideal age for wisdom teeth removal depends on various factors, including individual circumstances, recommendations from dental professionals, and the presence of oral health issues. While the typical age range for extraction is late teenage years to early twenties, personalized evaluations are essential for making informed decisions. Early extraction may offer benefits, but watchful waiting and conservative management can be suitable alternatives in certain cases. Consulting with a dental professional is crucial to ensure the best course of action for maintaining oral health.

Call us at Bellesmile Dentistry today and experience the best in wisdom teeth removal. Our experienced team of dental professionals will provide you with quality care and excellent guidance on all aspects of oral health. Let us help you make the right decision for your smile! Book an appointment today and start your journey to a healthier smile.

FAQs: What Age Do You Get Your Wisdom Teeth Pulled

Will I definitely need to have my wisdom teeth removed?

Not everyone requires wisdom teeth removal. It depends on factors such as the available space in your mouth, the angle of eruption, and the presence of symptoms or complications. Your dental professional can evaluate your specific situation and provide recommendations.

Are there any risks associated with wisdom teeth removal?

Like any surgical procedure, wisdom teeth removal carries some risks, such as bleeding, infection, and damage to surrounding structures. However, these risks are generally low, and your dental professional will take precautions to minimize them. Read more about “Can you get Invisalign with wisdom teeth” on our blog page now!

Can I have my wisdom teeth removed if they haven’t caused any problems?

It is possible to have wisdom teeth extracted preventively, even if they haven’t caused immediate problems. This approach can help avoid future complications and minimize the impact on oral health.

Is wisdom teeth removal painful?

The procedure itself is typically performed under anesthesia, so you should not experience pain during the extraction. However, some discomfort and swelling can be expected during the recovery period, which can be managed with prescribed pain medications and home care instructions.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth extraction?

The recovery time can vary from person to person. Generally, the initial healing period lasts about a week, during which you may experience some discomfort and swelling. However, full recovery can take a few weeks, and it is important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by your dental professional.

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