Should Wisdom Teeth be Removed Before Braces?

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Many individuals require orthodontic treatment to correct dental alignment issues, such as crowded or misaligned teeth. Additionally, wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often emerge during late adolescence or early adulthood. However, these wisdom teeth can pose potential challenges when it comes to orthodontic treatment, particularly braces.

In this article, we will explore the question, “Should wisdom teeth be removed before braces?” and delve into the factors to consider when making this decision.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that typically erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. While some people have no issues with their wisdom teeth, others may experience problems such as impacted teeth, crowding, or pain due to insufficient space in the mouth. Since orthodontic treatment aims to align the teeth and improve the bite, the presence of wisdom teeth can complicate the process.

Purpose of Braces

Braces are orthodontic appliances used to correct various dental issues, including crooked teeth, overcrowding, gaps, and misaligned bites. By applying gentle pressure to the teeth over a prolonged period, braces gradually shift them into their desired positions. The ultimate goal of braces is to achieve a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile while improving oral health and overall well-being.

Impact of Wisdom Teeth on Braces

When wisdom teeth start to emerge, they can exert pressure on the existing teeth, causing them to shift or become misaligned. This movement can undo the progress made with braces and disrupt the treatment plan. Additionally, wisdom teeth can create overcrowding, leading to complications during orthodontic treatment. For these reasons, it is essential to evaluate the impact of wisdom teeth on braces.

Reasons for Removing Wisdom Teeth Before Braces

Preserve Treatment Results: Removing wisdom teeth before braces can help maintain the alignment achieved through orthodontic treatment and prevent the shifting of teeth.

Prevent Crowding: Wisdom teeth often contribute to overcrowding in the mouth, making it challenging to achieve optimal results with braces alone. Removing them can create more space and facilitate orthodontic treatment.

Reduce the Risk of Complications: Wisdom teeth can become impacted, partially erupted, or develop cysts. These conditions may lead to pain, infection, and potential damage to nearby teeth. By removing wisdom teeth, the risk of such complications can be minimized.

Risks Associated with Wisdom Teeth

Although removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure, it is not without risks. Like any surgical intervention, there can be potential complications, such as bleeding, infection, nerve damage, and dry socket. It is crucial to discuss these risks with a dental professional and evaluate them in the context of the individual’s specific case.

Benefits of Removing Wisdom Teeth Before Braces

Improved Orthodontic Outcomes: By eliminating the potential disruptions caused by wisdom teeth, orthodontic treatment can proceed more smoothly, increasing the likelihood of achieving desired results.

Prevention of Future Issues: Wisdom teeth may cause problems later in life, such as decay, gum disease, or shifting of teeth. Removing them proactively can prevent these issues from arising.

Reduced Treatment Duration: Removing wisdom teeth before starting braces can save time by avoiding interruptions or complications during orthodontic treatment.

Considerations for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Before deciding to remove wisdom teeth before braces, several factors should be considered:

Individual Case: Each person’s dental situation is unique, and a thorough evaluation by an orthodontist and oral surgeon is necessary to determine the best course of action.

Age: Wisdom teeth removal is generally recommended during late adolescence or early adulthood when the roots are not fully formed, making extraction easier and reducing the risk of complications.

Treatment Plan: The specific orthodontic treatment plan and the severity of dental issues play a role in determining whether wisdom teeth removal is necessary before braces.

Alternatives to Wisdom Teeth Removal

In some cases, alternative options may be considered instead of removing wisdom teeth:

Monitoring: If the wisdom teeth are not causing immediate problems or interfering with orthodontic treatment, they may be monitored closely to assess their impact over time.

Extraction Post-Braces: In certain situations, it may be more appropriate to remove wisdom teeth after completing orthodontic treatment.

Consultation with an Orthodontist

When faced with the decision of whether to remove wisdom teeth before braces, it is essential to consult with an experienced orthodontist. They can evaluate specific dental concerns, provide personalized recommendations, and collaborate with oral surgeons if necessary.

Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal

If wisdom teeth removal is deemed necessary, the dental team will guide the individual through the necessary preparations, including preoperative instructions, dietary restrictions, and the use of anesthesia or sedation during the procedure. Curious about what age do you get your wisdom teeth pulled? Check out  our blog page now!

Recovery and Aftercare

After wisdom teeth removal, proper postoperative care is crucial for a smooth recovery. This may involve pain management, following oral hygiene instructions, adhering to a soft food diet, and attending follow-up appointments to monitor healing progress.

Impact on Braces Treatment

Removing wisdom teeth before braces can positively impact the orthodontic treatment process. By eliminating potential complications and ensuring adequate space, braces can work more effectively, leading to optimal results and a stable smile.


Deciding whether to remove wisdom teeth before getting braces requires careful consideration of individual circumstances and professional advice from orthodontic and oral surgery specialists. While there are risks and benefits to weigh, removing wisdom teeth can contribute to a smoother orthodontic journey and help preserve treatment outcomes in the long term.

If you want to know more about “Should wisdom teeth be removed before braces?” just contact Bellesmile Dentistry today! We provide comprehensive orthodontic services to ensure your smile is bright and healthy for years to come. Call us or book a consultation online. We are here to help you make the best decision for your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions: Should Wisdom teeth be removed before braces.

Will removing wisdom teeth before braces make the orthodontic treatment more painful?

Removing wisdom teeth before braces should not make orthodontic treatment more painful. Pain management techniques can be utilized during both procedures to ensure comfort throughout the process.

Can braces fix overcrowding without removing wisdom teeth?

Braces can address some cases of overcrowding, but if wisdom teeth are contributing to the problem or impeding the progress, their removal may be necessary for optimal results.

Are there any risks associated with delaying wisdom teeth removal until after braces?

Delaying wisdom teeth removal until after braces can lead to complications such as shifting of teeth, increased difficulty in extraction due to root formation, or potential damage to neighboring teeth.

How long does the recovery process take after wisdom teeth removal?

The recovery process after wisdom teeth removal varies from person to person but typically lasts about a week. It is important to follow postoperative instructions and attend follow-up appointments for proper healing. If you’re looking for wisdom teeth removal St. Catherines expert, just contact us today!

Can I start braces treatment if I haven’t removed my wisdom teeth?

Depending on the specific case and the recommendation of the orthodontist, braces treatment can sometimes begin before wisdom teeth removal. However, it is essential to monitor the

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