Dental Implants Belleville

Experience the life-changing power of a beautiful smile with Bellesmile. Our devoted team of dental professionals is here to offer you excellent dental implants Belleville solutions. Don’t let missing teeth hold you back any longer. Schedule your consultation now and take the first step towards a confident and complete smile.

Book an Appointment

The first step toward achieving a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. To schedule an appointment, please complete and submit the request form below. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you soon to confirm your appointment.

Please note this form is for requesting an appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule an existing appointment, or if you require immediate attention, please contact our practice directly.

What are Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots made of biocompatible materials, typically titanium, that are surgically located into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. They serve as a foundation for the attachment of artificial teeth, such as dental crowns, dentures, or bridges. Dental implants offer a long-term and durable solution for individuals who have lost teeth due to many reasons, including injury, decay, or periodontal disease. The process of dental implantation includes several stages:

Initial Consultation and Treatment Planning

During your initial consultation, your dentist will thoroughly evaluate your oral health and discuss your medical history. They may take 3D images, X-rays, or CT scans, of your jawbone to evaluate its condition and determine the best placement for the dental implants. This stage is crucial for identifying any possible challenges and making a personalized treatment plan personalized to your specific needs.

Implant Placement

Once the treatment plan is finalized, the dental implant placement procedure begins. Under local anesthesia, a small incision is made in the gum tissue to expose the underlying jawbone. Using specialized drills, the dentist makes an exact hole in the bone where the implant will be inserted. The dental implant, resembling a small screw, is sensibly placed into the prepared site. The gum tissue is then stitched back into place, letting the implant fit in with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This integration typically takes some months, during which the implant becomes firmly attached to the jawbone.
Dental Crowns Belleville
Dental Implants Belleville

Abutment Placement

After the osseointegration period, the second stage of the process begins. The dentist re-opens the gum tissue to expose the top of the implant. Support, a small connector piece, is attached to the implant. The abutment acts as a platform onto which the artificial tooth or restoration will be secured.

Artificial Tooth Placement

Once the gums have healed and the abutment is firmly in place, the final step is the placement of the artificial tooth or restoration. Depending on the number of missing teeth and the treatment plan, this could include attaching a dental crown, bridge, or denture to the abutment. Each restoration is custom-designed to match the size, shape, and color of your natural teeth, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result.

Benefits of Dental Implants at Bellesmile

Improved Aesthetics

Dental implants at Bellesmile offer an important aesthetic improvement by closely imitating the appearance of natural teeth. The artificial tooth or restoration attached to the implant is customized to match the size, color, and shape of your existing teeth, resulting in a seamless and natural-looking smile. This enhancement can boost your confidence and improve your overall facial aesthetics.

Enhanced Chewing and Speech

Dental implants provide a stable and safe foundation for chewing and biting. Unlike removable dentures that can shift or slide while eating, dental implants function like natural teeth, letting you enjoy an extensive variety of foods without discomfort or dietary restrictions. The steadiness of dental implants also ensures clearer speech, eliminating concerns about indistinct or mumbled speech caused by missing teeth or ill-fitting dentures.

Preservation of Jawbone

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone in that area can begin to worsen due to lack of stimulation. Dental implants help preserve the jawbone by duplicating the natural tooth roots. The implant fuses with the surrounding bone through osseointegration, making a stable foundation and stimulating the bone when you chew. This stimulation prevents bone loss, maintains the structural integrity of the jawbone, and preserves your facial appearance by avoiding a sunken or aged look.


With proper care, dental implants have the possibility to last a lifetime. Unlike other tooth replacement choices that may require periodic replacements or adjustments, dental implants offer exceptional durability. By practicing good oral hygiene, including regular flossing, brushing, and professional dental cleanings, you can ensure the longevity of your dental implants. This long-term solution saves you from the hassle and expense of frequent replacements or repairs.

Increased Confidence

Dental implants not only restore your ability to chew and speak effectively but also enhance your self-confidence. By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you can smile, speak, and interact with others without feeling self-conscious. Dental implants provide a natural-looking and functional smile, improving your overall quality of life and letting you confidently engage in social and professional settings.

Remember, the success of dental implant procedures depends on many factors, such as the quality and quantity of jawbone, overall oral health, and individual circumstances. Consulting with a qualified dentist or oral surgeon is crucial to determine your eligibility and making a personalized treatment plan that suits your specific needs.

By choosing dental implants, you can regain the functionality, aesthetics, and self-assurance that come with a complete and healthy smile, improving your overall quality of life and restoring your oral well-being.

What Dental implants Services do we offer?

At Bellesmile Dentistry, we offer a complete range of dental implants Belleville services to meet your specific needs. Our experienced dental team is devoted to providing high-quality care and restoring your smile with accuracy and expertise. Here are the dental implant services we offer:

Single Tooth Implant

If you have a single missing tooth, we can substitute it with a dental implant. Our skilled dentists will carefully place a titanium implant into the jawbone and attach a custom-made dental crown, designed to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth. This provides a permanent and natural-looking solution.

Multiple Teeth Implants

For patients with some missing teeth in a row, we offer multiple teeth implant solutions. We can place many implants and attach a dental bridge consisting of artificial teeth supported by the implants. This restores the function and aesthetics of your smile, providing a durable and long-lasting solution.

Implant-Supported Dentures

We also offer implant-supported dentures, which provide enhanced stability and comfort compared to traditional removable dentures. Dental implants are strategically placed in the jawbone, and the denture is securely attached to the implants. Implant-supported dentures offer improved chewing efficiency, speech, and confidence, eliminating concerns about denture slippage or discomfort.

Implant Restoration and Maintenance

At Bellesmile Dentistry, we not only provide dental implant placement but also offer implant restoration and maintenance services. If you have a current dental implant that requires repair or restoration, our experienced dentists can evaluate the implant, identify any problems, and recommend the appropriate treatment. We also highlight the importance of regular check-ups and hygiene visits to ensure the longevity and best function of your dental implants.

We are committed to utilizing advanced techniques, state-of-the-art technology, and personalized treatment plans to deliver excellent dental implant services. Our goal is to restore your smile, enhance your oral health, and improve your overall quality of life. So, if you’re looking for a reliable professional to help you with root canal treatment Belleville, dental crowns Belleville, or cosmetic dentistry Belleville, just give us a call!

Why choose Bellesmile Dentistry?

Choosing us for your dental needs comes with a variety of advantages that set us apart from other dental practices. Here are the reasons why you should select Bellesmile Dentistry for your dental implants Belleville service provider of choice:
Dental Bridges Belleville

Comprehensive Dental Care

At Bellesmile Dentistry, we offer a wide variety of dental services, including restorative treatments, preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, and specialized procedures like dental implants Belleville services. Our goal is to offer complete care under one roof, ensuring that all your dental needs are met efficiently and conveniently.

Experienced and Caring Dental Team

Our dental team consists of highly skilled and experienced professionals who are dedicated to delivering exceptional dental care. From our dentists to our hygienists and support staff, we prioritize patient safety, satisfaction, and comfort. We strive to make a welcoming and friendly environment where you can feel at ease during your dental visits.
Dental Crowns Belleville
Dental Implants Belleville

State-of-the-Art Facilities and Technology

Bellesmile Dentistry is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced dental technology. We invest in the newest tools and equipment to provide precise treatments, accurate diagnoses, and enhanced patient comfort. Our commitment to staying updated with the modern advancements in dentistry ensures that you receive the highest quality care.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We understand that every patient has unique dental needs and goals. That’s why we believe in making personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual. Our dentists take the time to listen to your concerns, carefully assess your oral health, and develop a customized treatment approach that suits your specific requirements.
Veneers Belleville
Dental Restorations Belleville

Focus on Patient Education

We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge and information about their oral health. Our dental team takes the time to educate patients about their dental conditions, treatment options, and preventive measures. We want you to make informed decisions about your oral health and actively participate in your dental care.

Comfort and Convenience

We strive to make your dental experience as comfortable and convenient as possible. From our comfortable waiting area to our friendly staff, we aim to make a relaxed and stress-free environment for our patients. We also offer flexible scheduling choices and work efficiently to minimize wait times and ensure timely appointments.

Commitment to Safety and Sterilization

Your safety is of utmost importance to us. We follow the highest standards of sterilization and infection control protocols. Our dental implants Belleville team follow strict guidelines to maintain a clean and hygienic environment, ensuring your safety during every visit.

Don’t wait any longer to return your smile and regain your confidence. Contact us and schedule your consultation for our dental implants Belleville services. Our experienced team is ready to provide you with personalized care and exceptional results. Take the next step towards a healthier, more beautiful smile by calling us now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Dental implant procedures are performed under local anesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort during the process. Our expert professionals prioritize your comfort and provide post-operative care instructions to manage any temporary pain.
Dental implant coverage differs among insurance plans. While some dental insurance plans offer coverage for dental implants, others may offer limited coverage or none at all. It is advisable to review your insurance policy or consult with our knowledgeable staff who can assist you in understanding your coverage options and provide guidance on financing options available to make dental implants more affordable.
Dental implant procedures have a high success rate, typically above 95%. Factors such as overall health, adequate bone density, and proper oral hygiene play key roles in the long-term success of dental implants.
While dental implants are an outstanding choice for most individuals, a complete evaluation is necessary to determine candidacy. Our dental experts will assess your oral health, bone density, and specific requirements to determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.

We Accept all Dental Insurance

we directly bill you insurance electronically.
Contact Us
Belleville Location
Tel: 613-969-8989
Hamilton Location
Tel: 905-543-8989