What Age to Get Braces

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Don’t know what age to get braces? It really depends on the individual’s needs and orthodontic goals. Generally, children should begin seeing an orthodontist by age 7, as this is the best time for an initial evaluation to identify any current or potential issues with oral health.

If problems are identified early, treatment can be started right away or may be delayed until all of the permanent teeth have come in. Common treatments include metal braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners.


Braces are a popular orthodontic treatment used to correct various dental issues and improve oral health. They can straighten crooked teeth, fix bite problems, and enhance your smile. However, one common question people have is, “What age to get braces?”

In this article, we will explore the factors to consider when determining the ideal age for braces and provide insights into early orthodontic treatment, teenage braces, and adult orthodontics.

Benefits of Braces

Braces offer numerous benefits beyond just cosmetic improvements. Understanding these advantages can help you make an informed decision about when to pursue orthodontic treatment.

Straighten Crooked Teeth

One of the primary reasons individuals seek braces is to straighten crooked teeth. Misaligned teeth not only affect your smile but can also impact your bite and overall oral health. Braces apply gentle pressure over time, gradually shifting teeth into their correct positions.

Correct Bite Issues

Braces can effectively correct bite issues, such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite. These misalignments can lead to difficulties in chewing, speech problems, and even jaw pain. Orthodontic treatment can help align the jaws and teeth, improving overall oral function.

Improve Oral Health

Straightening crooked teeth through braces can make oral hygiene more manageable. Misaligned teeth create hard-to-reach areas that are challenging to clean effectively, leading to plaque buildup and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Braces help align teeth, making brushing and flossing easier and more effective.

Factors to Consider

Several factors should be considered when determining the right age for braces.


Age plays a crucial role in orthodontic treatment. Children, teenagers, and adults can all benefit from braces, but the optimal age may vary. Early intervention can address dental issues at a young age, while adults may have additional considerations.

Orthodontic Evaluation

It is essential to undergo an orthodontic evaluation to determine the specific needs and timeline for treatment. Orthodontists assess tooth alignment, bite, and jaw development to recommend the most appropriate treatment options.

Dental Development

The stage of dental development is an important consideration. Some dental issues, such as crowding or bite problems, may be better addressed during specific stages of growth and development.

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment, also known as Phase 1 treatment, is initiated at a young age to address significant dental issues before they worsen.

Phase 1 Treatment

Phase 1 treatment involves interceptive measures that help guide the growth and development of the jaw and teeth. It aims to prevent more severe problems in the future and create a more favorable environment for permanent teeth to erupt.

Ideal Age for Phase 1

The ideal age for Phase 1 treatment varies but generally falls between 7 and 10 years old. At this stage, children have a mix of primary and permanent teeth, allowing orthodontists to address problems related to jaw growth and tooth positioning effectively.

Teenage Orthodontic Treatment

Teenagers are the most common age group for braces due to the natural alignment changes that occur during adolescence.

Ideal Age for Braces

The ideal age for braces in teenagers is typically between 11 and 15 years old. By this age, most of the permanent teeth have erupted, and jaw growth is nearly complete. Teenagers can benefit from orthodontic treatment without interfering significantly with their social lives or self-esteem.

Self-Esteem and Social Impact

Teenagers often face social pressures and concerns about their appearance. Correcting dental issues with braces during the teenage years can have a positive impact on their self-esteem and overall confidence.

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and teenagers. Many adults also seek braces to address long-standing dental concerns.

Benefits of Adult Braces

Adult braces can improve oral health, correct misaligned teeth, and enhance aesthetics. Straightening teeth can contribute to better gum health, reduce the risk of dental problems, and provide a confident smile.

Age Limit for Braces

There is no specific age limit for getting braces as an adult. As long as the teeth and gums are healthy, orthodontic treatment can be pursued at any age. Adults often require longer treatment durations due to the mature nature of their teeth and bones.

Professional Consultation

Orthodontists specialize in assessing dental issues and determining the most suitable treatment options. A professional consultation will involve a thorough evaluation of tooth alignment, bite, and jaw development to recommend the optimal age for braces. If you’re looking for a trusted braces Belleville professional, look no further than Bellesmile Dentistry!

Individual Needs and Preferences

Every individual has unique dental needs and preferences. Factors such as the severity of the dental issue, personal comfort, and lifestyle should be considered when deciding on the right age for braces. Open communication with the orthodontist will help create a personalized treatment plan.


The ideal age for getting braces varies based on individual circumstances and the severity of dental issues. Early orthodontic treatment can address problems at a young age, while teenage braces can enhance self-esteem during a critical developmental phase. Adult braces offer opportunities for improving oral health and aesthetics. By consulting with an orthodontist and considering personal needs, individuals can determine the best age for braces and embark on a journey toward a healthier and more confident smile.

Now that you know what age to get braces, it’s time to consult a professional orthodontist for a personalized treatment plan. At Bellesmile Dentistry, you are in good hands. Our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to helping you achieve your perfect smile. Contact us today and let us help you take the first step on your journey towards a healthier, more confident smile!

Getting braces can be a life-changing experience, and with the right professional help, you can get the best results possible! So don’t hesitate to start your journey today. Visit us today and find out how we can help you.

FAQs: What Age to Get Braces

1. At what age should a child have their first orthodontic evaluation?

A child should have their first orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7, as this is when significant dental and jaw development occurs.

2. Is it too late to get braces as an adult?

No, it is never too late to get braces as an adult. As long as the teeth and gums are healthy, orthodontic treatment can be pursued at any age.

3. Can braces improve my oral health?

Yes, braces can improve oral health. Straightening crooked teeth makes oral hygiene more manageable, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Read more about “Can cosmetic dentistry fix crooked teeth?” on our blog page now!

4. How long does orthodontic treatment usually take?

The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the individual case. It can range from several months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the dental issues being addressed.

5. Can I still play sports or musical instruments with braces?

Yes, you can continue playing sports and musical instruments with braces. Orthodontists can provide protective mouthguards and other solutions to ensure comfort and safety during physical activities.

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