Should Wisdom Teeth be Removed Before Braces?

Should Wisdom teeth be removed before braces

Many individuals require orthodontic treatment to correct dental alignment issues, such as crowded or misaligned teeth. Additionally, wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often emerge during late adolescence or early adulthood. However, these wisdom teeth can pose potential challenges when it comes to orthodontic treatment, particularly braces. In this article, we will explore the […]

What Age to Get Braces

What Age to Get Braces

Don’t know what age to get braces? It really depends on the individual’s needs and orthodontic goals. Generally, children should begin seeing an orthodontist by age 7, as this is the best time for an initial evaluation to identify any current or potential issues with oral health. If problems are identified early, treatment can be […]

What do Teeth Look Like Under Veneers

What do Teeth Look Like Under Veneers

Have you ever wondered what do teeth look like under veneers? They look much more natural than when you don’t have veneers. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored material that are placed over the front surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. These shells are made from either porcelain or composite resin materials and […]

How Much Veneers in Ontario

How Much Veneers in Ontario

Veneers have gained immense popularity in Ontario as a cosmetic dental solution for enhancing smiles. These thin, custom-made shells are designed to cover the front surface of teeth, improving their appearance and providing a natural-looking result. However, one common question that arises is, “How much veneers in Ontario?” In this article, we will explore the […]